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Home is where the art is!

Posted on June 10 2020

We all love decking up our houses with things and possessions that are close to our heart. Many of us make an extra effort to gather off-the-beaten path décor pieces that add meaning to our personal space. In fact, this effort is what makes it a home. 

Here are five unique ways to add to your home, a vibe that’s unique and here to stay.

1. Black white polka dot champagne flutes

The black white polka dot champagne flutes when placed on a display shelf turn it into an absolute beauty. Create a corner with a monochromatic theme with all things black and white put together. 

P.S They look the best when added to your living room decor. Oh and be ready to fetch a series of compliments for this classy black & white corner when you host your friend the next time. 

2. HIS & HER unbreakable glasses turned tumblers

There’s something so exciting about organising a space using tumblers and containers that were otherwise meant for some other purpose.  Add some quirk to your dresser with this HER & HIS set of old fashion glasses serving as a stylish organiser. 

PS they’re unbreakable so even if it mistakably tumbles, you don’t need to panic about picking up a messy shatter of glass pieces.

  1. Life Served Chill chilling bucket & wine flutes

This is one set home owners love placing on their bar. It has a marble effect that catches the eye and adds an intrigue factor to the corner it is placed in. Besides the abstract design adds to its beauty where no two pieces are alike.

Pro tip – Add a fern or dry stem on one of the sides to bring out the character of this warm and colourful corner.

  1. Bombay ki tapir wali chai and a rustic metal stand

    If you’re a tea lover, say it out loud. And not just on tea’o clock but all round the clock. Create a sweet little tea bar and add this rustic stand with oh such colourful cutting chai glasses in it. They’re sure to kickstart interesting conversations with friends and fellow tea lovers you host, during tea hours and beyond.

  1. Coffee mug paired with books is a pure gold décor idea

If you get attracted to cups and mugs like we do, this one is for you. Bring together your favourite books, baskets and some flowers with your latest Stallion mug and you’re all set to create a cute little corner. The best part is you can keep replacing the cup and the color scheme as per your mood for the season. 

Pro tip – A hint of gold in the cup perfectly complements the brown and tan looks of baskets and book pages. 

Who doesn’t love artistic homes that bring out the personality of the dweller?

Give ‘em a shot and do tag us on Instagram using @stallionbarware and #mystallion for a feature on our page. 



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